CITTADELLARTE paolo naldini Third Paradise, Sustainability, Demopraxy: The 2nd Melbourne Rebirth Forum Has Concluded From Manifestation to ManifestAction: the two-day event organized by Independent Schools Victoria and Cittadellarte was held in the capital of the Australian state of Victoria, and it was dedicated to the creative practice of storytelling. Let’s find out all the contents through the words of Paolo Naldini, director of Cittadellarte, who coordinated and took part in the works of the Rebirth Forum. BY Paolo Naldini IL 03/05/2019 Leggi di più
CITTADELLARTE Melbourne Rebirth Forum paolo naldini third paradise From manifestation to manifestAction, the 2nd Melbourne Rebirth Forum has started Independent Schools Victoria and Cittadellarte, in collaboration with Project Zero – Harvard Graduate School of Education, have organized the second Rebirth Forum in the capital of the Australian state of Victoria. Today – 2nd May – was the first of the two days of the initiative: let’s find out the first contents! BY Redazione IL 02/05/2019 Leggi di più
CITTADELLARTE Forum roma Terzo Paradiso third paradise Rebirth Forum Rome, how demopraxy has taken roots in the capital Demopraxy, sustainability, responsibility: the Rebirth Forum was held from 24th to 26th January, organized by Cittadellarte at, and with, Macro – Museum of Contemporary Art. The event, aimed at creating a product of political, social and economic design, saw the participation of 86 Roman organizations. Let’s find out all the details. BY Luca Deias IL 05/02/2019 Leggi di più
CITTADELLARTE Forum Terzo Paradiso third paradise Demopraxy, sustainability, responsability: the new Rebirth Forum at the Macro in Rome The first Rebirth Forum in Rome will be held on 24th, 25th and 26th January 2019, at, and with, the MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art. The representatives of a hundred organizations will participate in the initiative, and will work to identify responsible and sustainable practices and projects for the realities active on the territory of the capital city according to the criteria of the Art of Demopraxy. BY Luca Deias IL 15/01/2019 Leggi di più
forum rebirth melbourne The Fourth Forum Rebirth for Elle Wang A senior school student explains the emotions she experienced during the artistic-social event in Australia. BY Luca Deias IL 12/05/2017 Leggi di più
Paolo Naldini, Cittadellarte looks back at 2022: “Art, the most radical form of research, is a human right” What have we learnt in the past year? What is the balance for 2022? In a game of mirrors between past, present and future, in our interview Paolo Naldini, director of Cittadellarte, touched on some of the key elements and themes of Fondazione Pistoletto, including Accademia Unidee ("We are a community of practice. If the mirror is at the centre of Cittadellarte, it is precisely because it is a tool for research, speculation and reflection"), Biella Città Arcipelago ("Biella as Working Site of the Opera Demopratica has courageously identified an ambitious project: the infrastructure of life on the planet, a subject considered obscene for too long") and Biella Creative City ("We have reached a dynamic balance, in fact, with the proposal of an operating director for the association who also performs functions as UNESCO focal point"). Retracing some of the stages of Cittadellarte's 2022, let us explore some fundamental themes for the individual and the community as a whole. BY Luca Deias IL 01/01/2023 Leggi di più
Antropòceneannàmo The conference "Places of culture as protagonists of urban regeneration", held on 16 November and organised as part of the 18th edition of "Urbanpromo", focused on investigating the urban and territorial role of cultural spaces. Speaking at the event at the MEET Digital Culture Center in Milan were Paolo Naldini, director of Cittadellarte, and Michele Cerruti But, academic coordinator of Accademia Unidee. Here is Naldini’s full speech. BY Paolo Naldini IL 22/11/2021 Leggi di più
CITTADELLARTE paolo naldini Terza pagina The Third Paradise in Singapore: the University, the erbs and the dog Travel notes of a Rebirth/Third Paradise ambassador (or, in this case, the director of Cittadellarte). BY Paolo Naldini IL 28/09/2018 Leggi di più