The Art of Balance #79| Neil Powell, how will you communicate? The artist and curator is the 79th participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Neil Powell reflects on the role of technology in the present and in the future, emphasising that “try as we do for meaning and humanity through the medium of internet and OLED, there is little doubt in most minds that deep down we all really know that this is a sterile proxy for human interaction”. This episode’s guest then talks about the impact of the pandemic on modern society: “My earnest wish is that the firebreak of Covid will not denude us of this possibility, either by creating new phobias around intimacy or that we lose the vital part of our humanity, that is to read a person’s communication in a holistic way”. BY Redazione IL 02/12/2020 Leggi di più
The Art of Balance #74 | Piero Meogrossi, what will you remember? The former MiBACT inspector at the Superintendence to Venice Monuments (1980-1983) and then director of the Special Archaeological Superintendence of Rome (1983-2011) is the 74th participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Piero Meogrossi proposes a long reflection called “Remembering the history of the footprints, the love of co-living”, starting from the question “What will you remember?”. BY Redazione IL 24/11/2020 Leggi di più
The Art of Balance #68 | Maria Chiara Valacchi, who will you meet? The art critic, independent curator and art writer is the 68th guest of the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Maria Chiara Valacchi, after focusing on the impact the pandemic has had on our daily lives, answered the question posed by the project: “I would like to meet better,” she said, “feel the sheer joy of getting to know, of discovering others, dedicating time and more attention to them, thinking about the value of the moment itself, of the encounter as a gift and not as a certainty”. BY Redazione IL 04/11/2020 Leggi di più
The Third Paradise combines art and cure: South Africa launches the digital exhibition “Cure” The online exhibition – a proposal by UJ Arts & Culture in Johannesburg – has involved 17 artists who have interrogated and explored through their works possible processes leading global civilization to a new level of responsibility. The participants have elaborated the contents drawing inspiration from Michelangelo Pistoletto’s sign-symbol, referencing to a balance between nature and artifice, and to the curing qualities art can have in society. BY Redazione IL 17/09/2020 Leggi di più
The Art of Balance #48 | Riccardo Camanini, what will you eat? The chef is the 48th guest of the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. The owner of the restaurant Lido 84 identifies the key elements to trigger social awareness on healthy eating: communication and the artisans of taste. Riccardo Camanini also reflects on the relevance of food traditions and on the importance of properly educate children on how to behave at the table. BY Redazione IL 29/07/2020 Leggi di più
The Art of Balance #46 | Cesare Biasini Selvaggi, who will you meet? The editor of Exibart is the 46th guest of the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Cesare Biasini Selvaggi, after a first analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on society, answers the question posed by the initiative, identifying in Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev (director of Castello di Rivoli Contemporary Art Museum and of the Francesco Federito Cerruti Foundation in Turin) the person he would like to meet. The guest says he’s actually already had the opportunity to interview Christov-Bakagiev on Skype, and refers some of the salient parts of their exchange, going through what emerged and their multi-thematic reflections in relation to the world of art. BY Redazione IL 27/07/2020 Leggi di più
The Art of Balance #43 | Maria Gabriella Lay, how will you work? The Rebirth/Third Paradise ambassadress and representative of ILO (International Labour Organization, agency of the United Nations) is the 43rd guest is the 43rd guest of the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Maria Gabriella Lay talks about the problems caused by the pandemic, but she also identifies key ways to face the post-Coronavirus: “The trinamic formula of the Third Paradise can and must provide the guidelines for the process of analysis and rebirth, and the Art of Demopraxy can trace a path to achieve the Goals of the 2030 Agenda”. This episode’s guest also talks about the role of sustainability (in the economic, social and environmental sectors) during and after the Covid-19 emergency and about the recent work of ILO. Furthermore, she illustrates the mission and commitment of “Giovani in azione” (Youths in action), the project she is developing in Sardinia. BY Redazione IL 20/07/2020 Leggi di più
The art of balance #30 | Angelo Riva, what will you produce? The Rebirth/Third Paradise ambassador is the 30th guest of “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Angelo Riva tells about some of the activities that have involved Lecco’s embassy in the front line, highlighting the peculiarities and the behind-the-scenes of the initiative “City4Care”, based on “prevention through the activation of the whole community for its care, people who have received care or are at risk preparing to look after the caregivers, the themes of art, food, meditation, the generational encounter between elderlies and children”. The ambassador also talks about a project to repurpose a centre of artistic production, which will be turned into a centre for the rehabilitation of patients suffering from the consequences of a stroke or from Parkinson’s disease. BY Redazione IL 19/06/2020 Leggi di più