Anna Moreno

Anna Moreno (Barcellona, 1984) vive e lavora tra Barcellona e L’Aia. Insegna ricerca artistica alla Royal Academy of Art de L’Aia e in altre istituzioni, ed è co-fondatrice dell’iniziativa artistica Helicopter (L’Aia). La sua pratica si sviluppa attraverso eventi estesi e mostre personali come Billennium, Associazione Architetti della Catalogna (COAC), Barcellona, 2018; D'ahir d'abans d'ahir de l'altre abans d'ahir i més d'abans encara, Fundació Blueproject, Barcellona, 2016; The Whole World Was Singing, HIAP Project Space, Helsinki, 2016; e An Awkward Game, 1646, L’Aia, 2015. Il suo lavoro è stato esibito in mostre collettive tra cui We Are As Gods and Might as Well Get Good at It, Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, 2018; Beehave, Joan Miró Foundation, Barcellona, 2018; En los cantos nos diluímos, Sala de Arte Joven, Madrid, 2017; Distopía General, Reales Atarazanas, Valencia, 2017; CAPITALOCEAN, W139, Amsterdam, 2016; Lo que ha de venir ya ha llegado, CAAC a Siviglia, MUSAC a León e Koldo Mitxelena a Donostia, 2015; e Generaciones, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, 2014. Il lavoro di Anna Moreno è stato presentato a simposi come Visual Activism, SFMOMA, San Francisco, 2014; e United We Organize, Stroom Den Haag, L’Aia, 2013. L’artista ha partecipato alle residenze Artistas en residencia, CA2M e La Casa Encendida, Móstoles e Madrid, 2017; Seoul Art Space Geumcheon, Seul, 2012; e Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz, 2011. Le sono stati recentemente assegnati il Botín Visual Arts Grant, Santander, 2018; e una fellowship al Van Eyck Institute, Maastricht, 2019.
Anna Moreno (Barcelona, 1984) lives and works in Barcelona and The Hague. She has been teaching Artistic Research at the Royal Academy of Art (The Hague) and other institutions and is a co-founder of the artists’ initiative Helicopter (The Hague). Her art practice develops through expanded events and solo exhibitions such as Billennium, Catalonia’s Architectures Association (COAC), Barcelona, 2018; D'ahir d'abans d'ahir de l'altre abans d'ahir i més d'abans encara, Fundació Blueproject, Barcelona, 2016; The Whole World Was Singing, HIAP Project Space, Helsinki, 2016; and An Awkward Game, 1646, The Hague, 2015. She has shown her work in the group shows We Are As Gods and Might as Well Get Good at It, Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, 2018; Beehave, Joan Miró Foundation, Barcelona, 2018; En los cantos nos diluímos, Sala de Arte Joven, Madrid, 2017; Distopía General, Reales Atarazanas, Valencia, 2017; CAPITALOCEAN, W139, Amsterdam, 2016; Lo que ha de venir ya ha llegado, CAAC in Sevilla, MUSAC in León and Koldo Mitxelena in Donostia, 2015; and Generaciones, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, 2014, among others. Anna Moreno's work has been featured at symposia such as Visual Activism, SFMOMA, San Francisco, 2014; and United We Organize, Stroom Den Haag, The Hague, 2013. The artist has participated in residencies at Artistas en residencia, CA2M and La Casa Encendida, Móstoles and Madrid, 2017; Seoul Art Space Geumcheon, Seoul, 2012; and Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz, 2011; and has recently been the recipient of the Botín Visual Arts Grant, Santander, 2018; and of a fellowship at the Van Eyck Institute, Maastricht, 2019.