13/05/2022 “(D)estructura”, at Cittadellarte a workshop on the future of the new generations As part of the "Belvedere" project involving the Municipality of Candelo and Cittadellarte, a workshop aimed at young people from the province of Biella will be carried out on Thursday 19 May from 3 to 5 pm in the spaces of Fondazione Pistoletto. The activity, which is free, intents to give voice to a target group of students and weave a network of relations able to launch urban interventions and projects as a result of moments of collective debate, contributing to starting a potential improvement of the territory in the short and long term. IL 13/05/2022 Leggi di più
02/05/2022 “ArtePollino 2022”, a new Third Paradise in Latronico On 3 May, in the Terme Lucane Park in the municipality in the province of Potenza, an original work inspired by and dedicated to Michelangelo Pistoletto's symbolic sign will be unveiled. For the occasion, Saverio Teruzzi, coordinator of the Third Paradise ambassadors, will be present in person, and the Biellese artist via video link. On 4 May, at Latronico’s Museum and Library, Cittadellarte will also lead the works of the second Rebirth Forum in Pollino entitled "Culture and care of territories and those who inhabit them". IL 02/05/2022 Leggi di più
21/04/2022 “Art Night”, on Rai 5 a documentary on the history of the Biennale On Friday 22 April, at 9.15 pm, Rai 5 will broadcast a documentary dedicated to the history of the Venice Art Biennale. The feature will also include an interview with Michelangelo Pistoletto focusing on the Biella-born artist's connections with and participations in a number of previous editions of the international exhibition. IL 21/04/2022 Leggi di più
20/04/2022 “Care of Oneself and Care of the Other”, a mail art exhibition opens at Cittadellarte From 22 April to 22 May, Fondazione Pistoletto will be hosting the exhibition resulting from a call for proposals by the ASL BI Training and Human Resources Development Service in collaboration with Cittadellarte and Fondazione Bonotto. The exhibition features 2176 works of mail art created by authors of different generations and from all over the world. "Initially - said Vincenzo Alastra, Head of the ASL BI Training Service - our call was addressed to secondary school students only, but with great joy we discovered that the importance of the theme of care also reaches younger as well as older people". IL 20/04/2022 Leggi di più
05/04/2022 “Fluviale”, a new chapter of the project: two days dedicated to the connection between the river and the feminine sphere The second stage of the 2022 programme by Hydro and Better Places, scheduled for Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 April, will be entitled "River and the feminine", and will consist of two workshops and a party organised in collaboration with Le Parole Fucsia – Feminist Table and Il Groviglio, Biella’s LGBT+ association. The event, which will be held in Fondazione Pistoletto's spaces in Via Cernaia, is part of TACT, the winning project of the public call Creative Living Lab (third edition) promoted by the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture. IL 05/04/2022 Leggi di più
30/03/2022 “Capolavori”, a talk with Michelangelo Pistoletto and Gianna Nannini in Rome Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo, in co-production with Zerynthia, presents a cycle of three events combining the exhibition of a work of art with a live reading of the artist's writings, with different participants on each evening. The evening of 4 April will be dedicated to Michelangelo Pistoletto's "Porta rossa – Il Terzo Paradiso" (Red Door – The Third Paradise) and Gianna Nannini's vocal sculpture "Mama". The event, starting at 9 p.m., will be a live talk between the artist from Biella and the singer-songwriter from Siena. IL 30/03/2022 Leggi di più
24/03/2022 TACT, Biella hosts an urban and social regeneration project with a territorial impact TACT (acronym for Territorio Arcipelago Comunità Torrente, i.e. territory, archipelago, community, river) is the winning project of the public notice Creative Living Lab - 3rd edition, promoted by the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture. As part of the initiatives developed by the project, from March onwards the citizens of Biella will be offered moments of discussion open to the public on the themes of environmental fragility and sustainability in general, with meetings, thematic conferences and educational workshops organised by Fondazione Pistoletto, Better Places and cheFare. IL 24/03/2022 Leggi di più
24/03/2022 “Fluviale 2022” a programme curated by Spazio Hydro / better places. At Cittadellarte two days dedicated to the river, with performances, workshops, talks and excursions The first stage of the 2022 programme, scheduled for Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 March, will be centred on the theme of "the river as a common" with a focus on the rights of water bodies. The initiative, which will take place between the spaces of Fondazione Pistoletto and the river Cervo, is part of TACT, the winning project of the public call Creative Living Lab (third edition), promoted by the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture. IL 24/03/2022 Leggi di più