Demopractic Work Biella, news from the working site What process is leading Biella to become a city archipelago? What role can sustainability and creativity play in the wool territory? Paolo Naldini, director of Cittadellarte, presents the strategic and operational developments of Biella's demopractic work, in a narrative that emphasises the synergy between local and institutional organisations. Not only that: he anticipates part of the programme of the ‘canovaccio’ and the contents of the thematic tables around which the project will take shape. Paolo Naldini, 04/06/2021 Read more
“Avid-19”, a pandemic in the anthropocene era Marco Papa, Rebirth/Third Paradise ambassador, opens up about his personal experience of the quarantine, sharing his reflections on the social perception of the Coronavirus at both local and national level. He also analyses the global socio-political impact of this crisis, drawing attention to a few aspects of a nature other than economic and sanitary. Marco Papa, 10/04/2020 Read more
From Biella to Indonesia: the impact of the Third Paradise in Bali in the name of art and sustainability In December 2018 Bali hosted its first Rebirth Forum “Sustainability through differences” and the exhibition “The Great Archipelago”, which took Cittadellarte’s artistic practice to the Indonesian island. Thanks to Rebirth ambassador Marco Cassani, the two events led to the creation of “Batu”, a space that intends to share the knowledge of contemporary art with the local Balinese community and develop initiatives dedicated to social and environmental issues. Marco Cassani, 12/11/2019 Read more
third paradise The artistic practice and the Open Source Gallery, how the Third Paradise changes New York The Rebirth/Third Paradise ambassadress Monika Wuhrer tells us about herself and the development of her artistic practice in the Big Apple: in a socio-political analysis of America, here is how art can become the instrument for responsibly transforming the community through a patchwork of initiatives and projects (Seamstress Project, Open Source Gallery, The cHURCH OF MONIKA). “Socially engaged art – writes Monika - has opened the conversation to those who are often excluded from it, creating more accessibility rather than cultivating an atmosphere that intimidates newcomers.” Monika Wuhrer, 13/11/2018 Read more