Rete Museale Biellese 2021, call for applications for the selection of the new operators The Network has issued a call aimed at identifying museum operators who will be employed in its 34 sites including ecomuseums, museums, naturalistic areas, castles and palaces located in the province of Biella, among which is Cittadellarte. The job will consist in welcoming visitors, conducting guided tours and managing the assets of the structures the successful candidates will be assigned to. Redazione, 13/04/2021 Read more
In Biella “+bellezza in Valle” (more beauty in the valley), an award for the landscape improvement of the territory Valle Mosso’s Rotary Club promoted the launch of the initiative aimed at acknowledging and highlighting construction or environmental works carried out in the area of the eastern Biellese valleys. The deadline to enter this year’s edition of the competition – which will see Michelangelo Pistoletto as part of the jury – has been extended to 31st May 2021. Redazione, 12/04/2021 Read more
Cittadellarte’s working site, 100 days of work needed for the reconstruction The operations to secure and reconstruct the areas hit by October’s flood are continuing. Emanuele Bottigella from Cittadellarte’s Architecture Office has given us an update on the new phase of works: “The next interventions include the palification, the construction and the filling of the grounds,” he said. Redazione, 31/03/2021 Read more
“Community School: the academy for the education community”, the course for Biella’s teachers and educators has started The course, curated by Cittadellarte, Tantintenti, Il Filo da Tessere and Associazionedidee, started on 5th March. The first edition of the initiative – part of the project Community School, promoted by Impresa Sociale Conibambini – aims at identifying and facing the issues arisen during the pandemic, keeping in mind the safety measures that need to be respected in the interest of public health. Redazione, 15/03/2021 Read more
Cancer between research, hope and prevention: an interview with the president of the Edo and Elvo Tempia Foundation Viola Erdini Today is World Cancer Day, promoted by the Union for International Cancer Control and supported by the World Health Organization. To contribute to this celebration we looked into the subject of cancer in a conversation with the president of the Biellese foundation, in which we talk about the different types of cancer and touch on health, social and emotional aspects. Viola Erdini leads us into a world of research and solidarity, stressing the importance of prevention and reflecting on how to face the course of therapy on a psycho-physical level. Luca Deias, 04/02/2021 Read more
“Protect Cittadellarte”, the operations of strenghtening of the wall of the former Hydro and the perforations have been concluded Works in the spaces of Fondazione Pistoletto damaged by the flood of last October didn’t stop for the winter holidays. In the last month the removal of all the insecure parts of the building and the geognostic survey have been completed. “The next step is now to liaise with the relevant government bodies to obtain the necessary authorisations to proceed with the works,” says Emanuele Bottigella from Cittadellarte’s Architecture Office. Luca Deias, 18/01/2021 Read more
“Protect Cittadellarte”, the strenghtening operations are drawing to a close The works in the spaces of Fondazione Pistoletto due following the flood of the beginning of October are continuing: new investigations aimed at operationally planning the containing wall and the topographical altimetric survey are being carried out. “In spite of the snowfalls and the freezing weather,” said Emanuele Bottigella from Cittadellarte’s Architecture Office, “we are proceeding according to plan”. Redazione, 17/12/2020 Read more
“Protect Cittadellarte”, the work continues on two working sites The removal of the debris of the collapsed part of the building that used to be the Hydro space is almost complete, and works have started in the Museum of the Past. A new contractor is now taking care of the strengthening of the external wall of the library and of the room housing the Arte Povera exhibition. “The works are carrying on,” says Emanuele Bottigella from the Architecture Office, “and we have split the working site into two”. Redazione, 27/11/2020 Read more