Rete Museale Biellese 2021, call for applications for the selection of the new operators
The Network has issued a call aimed at identifying museum operators who will be employed in its 34 sites including ecomuseums, museums, naturalistic areas, castles and palaces located in the province of Biella, among which is Cittadellarte. The job will consist in welcoming visitors, conducting guided tours and managing the assets of the structures the successful candidates will be assigned to.

Sunday 6th June marks the official beginning of the new season of Rete Museale Biellese (Biella’s Museum Network), a territorial project that has been renewed every year since 2012, gradually weaving a new fabric of relationships between many public and private cultural actors, and favouring the sharing of resources for the appreciation of the heritage of ecomuseums, museums, castles, palaces, naturalistic areas and other sites of interest in the Biella area. From 2012 to 2020, the Network involved 45 different museums located in 32 municipalities, employing 190 specially trained and remunerated operators to support site managers and ensure constant opening throughout the summer. In the first eight years, the sites of the Network recorded 129,139 visitors. The project is proposed and coordinated by the Ecomuseo Valle Elvo e Serra in collaboration with Ecomuseo del Biellese, of which it is a part. As in previous editions, Biella’s Museum Network has now issued a new call aimed at selecting figures who will be employed as museum operators at the 34 museum sites located in the province of Biella listed below.

Candidates must be over 18, and preferably with a background relevant to the nature of the assignment, experience in working with the public in similar contexts, knowledge of languages, residence in the province of Biella, and not over 40 years old.

Evaluation of candidates and job description
The selection among the candidates will be conducted by a special commission. The selected subjects will be invited to attend online individual interviews, which will be held on 28th and 29th April; all participants will then be informed of the outcome of the application. Successful candidates will have to follow a programme of training sessions held in May (online and in early evening time slots), through which they will acquire in-depth knowledge of all the museum sites of the Network (participation in at least three quarters of the training activities is mandatory). Specifically, the job will consist in welcoming visitors, conducting guided tours and managing the assets of the sites operators will be assigned to on the 17 Sundays between 6th June and 26th September, from 2.30 to 6.30 pm.

All the sites of the new edition
As mentioned, the sites of Biella’s Museum Network 2021 are 34, including Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto: Antonio Bertola ingegnere militare in Muzzano, Casa Museo dell’Alta Valle del Cervo in Rosazza, Casa natale di Pietro Micca in Sagliano Micca, Casa Zegna in Valdilana (Trivero), Castello Vialardi in Verrone, Centro di Documentazione del Lago di Viverone, Centro di Documentazione sulla Lavorazione del Ferro in Netro, Centro di Documentazione sull’Emigrazione in Donato, Ecomuseo del Cossatese e delle Baragge in Cossato (Castellengo), Ecomuseo della Civiltà Montanara in Muzzano (Bagneri), Ecomuseo della Lavorazione del Ferro in Mongrando, Ecomuseo della Terracotta in Ronco Biellese, Ecomuseo della Tradizione Costruttiva at Trappa di Sordevolo, Ecomuseo della Vitivinicoltura at Ricetto di Candelo, Ex Mulino Susta in Valdilana (Soprana), Fabbrica della Ruota in Pray, FAI Collezione Enrico in Magnano, Lanificio Botto and workers’ village in Miagliano, MeBo Menabrea Botalla Museum in Biella, Museo del Bramaterra in Sostegno (Casa del Bosco), Museo degli Acquasantini in Pettinengo, Museo della Passione in Sordevolo, Museo della Società Operaia di Mutuo Soccorso in Campiglia Cervo, Museo delle Migrazioni in Pettinengo, Museo dell’Infanzia in Pettinengo, Museo dell’Oro e della Bessa in Zubiena (Vermogno), Museo del Territorio Biellese in Biella, Oasi WWF Giardino Botanico in Oropa, Palazzo Ferrero in Biella Piazzo, Palazzo Gromo Losa in Biella Piazzo, Palazzo La Marmora in Biella Piazzo, Palazzo Vercellone – Archivio Lanifici Vercellone in Sordevolo, Santuario di San Giovanni d’Andorno in Campiglia Cervo.

The salary for the 17 Sunday openings will be around 680 euros net (possibly reduced if two operators are selected to alternate on the same site) through fixed-term temping contracts or through invoicing in the case of candidates who are freelance professionals in the relevant field.

How to apply
Applications must be submitted using the form attached to this call and downloadable from the ATL website at this link, accompanied by a copy of the candidate’s ID and CV. All documents must be sent exclusively by email to Ecomuseo Valle Elvo e Serra at, by Sunday 25th April 2021.


For further information: Ecomuseo Valle Elvo e Serra, Via Bagneri 2, 13817 Sordevolo (BI) – 349.3269048 –
Please click here to download an application form.

While waiting for the new season to open, you can visit Biella’s Museum Network on its YouTube channel, Facebook page and Instagram profile.