Cittadellarte’s opening times for the summer
Here are all the details of the opening hours for store, guided tours, Cittadellarte's offices, Let Eat Bi market and the permanent home of the Third Paradise for the month of August.

– The offices will be closed from Monday 8 August to Sunday 21 August. They will reopen on Monday 22 August.
Guided tours will follow their usual schedule and run every weekend in August (Saturdays and Sundays) and on Monday 15 August (Ferragosto bank holiday) at 11.00 am, 2.30 pm and 4.30 pm (tours last about one and a half hours). Visitors must necessarily make a reservation by sending an e-mail to providing the names of the participants, the chosen visiting day/time and a telephone number to associate to the reservation.
– The store will be closed on week days from Tuesday 2 to Friday 26 August, but will remain open at weekends and on Monday 15 August (Ferragosto bank holiday) from 11.00 am to 7.00 pm.
– The permanent home of the Third Paradise, at via Cernaia 46 in Biella, will be open throughout August with free access from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm.
– The Let Eat Bi market will be open every Wednesday in August from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.
– The Journal‘s editorial staff is also going on holiday, but our Facebook page will be offering a selection of our past articles throughout the month. We will be operative again from Monday 29 August.

Happy August to everyone!