15/06/2020 The art of balance #27 | Giorgio de Finis, who will you meet? The Rebirth/Third Paradise ambassador and anthropologist (as well as curator and film director) is the 27th guest of “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Giorgio de Finis reflects on the impact the pandemic has had on social relations, and in particular on the change cities all over the world have gone through as a consequence of the spreading of Covid-19. “It’s undeniable,” he said, “that the virus has breached through the ‘social body’, causing, to different degrees but globally, a withdrawal in ourselves, a raising of shields, a diffidence that has been somehow justified as a slowing down, a taking time to reassess priorities, choose and ponder”. IL 15/06/2020 Leggi di più
12/06/2020 The art of balance #26 | Edoardo Marcenaro, how will you judge? The business jurist is the 26th guest of Cittadellarte’s initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”. Edoardo Marcenaro talks about how the ‘judging’ activity has continued throughout the pandemic, explaining how the world of arbitration (“a form of dispute resolution more and more used at national and international levels as an alternative to the ordinary legislation of the single countries”) has never stopped. The guest of this episode then looks to the future of his field of competence and explains how technology has assumed a crucial role in it during the lockdown: “The European Union has created the European Small Claims Procedure and the main arbitration institutions have help desks dedicated to Online Dispute Resolution: artificial intelligence automatically analyses the dispute and proposes a solution to the parties, if this is accepted you only need to press ‘Enter’ for it to be formalised”. IL 12/06/2020 Leggi di più
11/06/2020 The art of balance #25 | Beppe Angiolini, how will you dress? The Honorary President of Camera Buyer and creator of the boutique Sugar is the 25th guest of the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Beppe Angiolini explains how, in the post-pandemic, fashion should not be neglected, but conceived in a different way. The entrepreneur then reflects on how he will dress: “Relaxed and positive, with a reasonable desire for harmony and beauty, but also a bit whimsical after months of neglect and old house clothes”. IL 11/06/2020 Leggi di più
10/06/2020 The art of balance #24 | Francesca Santolini, where will you live? The journalist is the 24th guest of “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”. Francesca Santolini, an expert in environmental issues, answers the question from the initiative launched by Cittadellarte jumping ten years forward. Her narration presents a future of sustainability and innovation in Italy from environmental, social, urban and professional points of view; positive perspectives tinted with responsibility and hope that she imagines have originated in the post-Coronavirus. What has been and is a virus could spark a rebirth: “The shift happened in 2020, when a global pandemic catapulted us into a future we hadn’t been able to build before. It was our response to Covid-19 that changed history”. IL 10/06/2020 Leggi di più
09/06/2020 Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto reopens on Saturday 13th June 2020 #apertiaporteaperte: with this hastag, Fondazione Pistoletto announces the reopening in full safety of its exhibitions. After months of closure due to the health emergency, you’ll be able to access the spaces of the Biellese institution again, with Michelangelo Pistoletto’s works and the experiential visit of the Terme Culturali. Here are all the practical information on how to participate in a guided tour. IL 09/06/2020 Leggi di più
09/06/2020 The art of balance #23 | Giorgio Ravasio, how will you dress? The country manager of Vivienne Westwood is the 23rd guest of the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Giorgio Ravasio discusses the impact the post-pandemic will have in the world of fashion, anticipating a new approach in customers’ buying habits (“we will experience a different kind of shopping, more careful, based on a more informed selective process, on deeper reflections and, I’m guessing, with a presumption of being more relevant in the choice of the product”) and a change of direction by the brands in order to adapt to this new attitude (“Detoxified, by law, from compulsive consumerism, we’ll probably go back to shopping with new eyes and we will expect more than before. We’ll demand to perceive a true company culture”). Here are his reflections. IL 09/06/2020 Leggi di più
08/06/2020 The art of balance #21 | Silvia Giovanardi, how will you dress? The fashion designer of the brand Wråd is the 21st guest of the initiative “The art of balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. To answer the question “How will you dress?”, Silvia Giovanardi has realised a video in which images “meet” the key words of her answer. IL 08/06/2020 Leggi di più
08/06/2020 The art of balance #22 | Ornella Laneri, what will you commit to? The president of Fondazione Oelle is the 22nd guest of the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Ornella Laneri reveals how she will bring sustainability into her fields of competence, that is tourism (“through shared planning and a dialogue with the economic and political forces”) and art (“creating an educational department within the foundation I preside”). Here are her thoughts. IL 08/06/2020 Leggi di più