“Upcycling Land FVG – From Waste to Repurposing”, three days in Udine dedicated to the future of plastic From 19 to 21 May, the Gemona del Friuli-based company Preco System organised an event aimed at encouraging and drawing attention to virtuous practices through examples from companies, universities, operators and professionals. Talks and guided tours dedicated to the theme of sustainability were held in the setting of the historic Villa Gallici Deciani, where, in the wake of the initiative's contents, an installation of the Third Paradise was also created. Redazione, 24/05/2022 Read more
“ArtePollino 2022”, a new Third Paradise in Latronico On 3 May, in the Terme Lucane Park in the municipality in the province of Potenza, an original work inspired by and dedicated to Michelangelo Pistoletto's symbolic sign will be unveiled. For the occasion, Saverio Teruzzi, coordinator of the Third Paradise ambassadors, will be present in person, and the Biellese artist via video link. On 4 May, at Latronico’s Museum and Library, Cittadellarte will also lead the works of the second Rebirth Forum in Pollino entitled "Culture and care of territories and those who inhabit them". Redazione, 02/05/2022 Read more
“Debate Academy”: when speech meets critical sense under the light of the Third Paradise From 8 to 11 March 2022, during the four days of the Debate Academy, Rebirth/Third Paradise ambassadress Sonia Barale, together with the students of the Baruffi high school in Ceva and Ormea, created an eco-sustainable fabric drape made from recycled PET bottles. The drape represents Michelangelo Pistoletto's trinamic symbol, reinterpreted in an educational and artistic way for the children. “We tried to express the Debate Academy by linking it to Michelangelo Pistoletto’s Rebirth project," said Barale, “as young people can learn to debate in public also through demopractical practices associated to eco-sustainability, art and civic education". Elena Orofino, 31/03/2022 Read more
Students in Albino gathered around the Third Paradise, when a school break becomes a hymn to peace “Imagine there’s no countries | It isn’t hard to do | Nothing to kill or die for | And no religion too | Imagine all the people | Living life in peace”. This is how John Lennon expressed his anti-war message through music in his famous song Imagine, which quickly became a worldwide hit symbol […] Luca Deias, 30/03/2022 Read more
The Third Paradise as a symbol of peace: paper doves “fly” beyond the Russian-Ukrainian crisis Rebirth/Third Paradise ambassadors Giovanna Costanzo, Iole D'Agostino, Patrizia Fratus, Katia Greco, Sebina Messina and Saverio Teruzzi have launched a solidarity-based art project consisting in the creation of a series of paper doves that can be made using the origami technique. The works, which are to be disseminated on social media and sent to the Embassy of the Russian Federation or the Ukrainian Embassy, are intended as a creative vehicle for launching messages of peace inspired by the trinamic symbol. Luca Deias, 11/03/2022 Read more
Waste management, best practices, sustainable mobility: three days of meetings to celebrate the Rebirth Day in Cuba On 20, 21 and 22 December 2021, numerous activities were held in Havana as part of the Rebirth Day, organised by the local Third Paradise embassy. The main theme of the three-day event – which was attended by 40 participants – was plastic recycling, which was also discussed in depth through the presentation of the project "La Mina". Luca Deias, 17/01/2022 Read more
Third Paradise in Lapland, reindeer celebrate the Rebirth Day On 21 December, the Rebirth/Third Paradise embassy in the Finnish Arctic created and curated a living installation of the trinamic symbol in nature. The unusual protagonists of the work were the reindeer from a historic local farm: "The installation – said Rebirth ambassadresses Eija Tarkiainen and Anne Murto – is intended to evoke the forces of nature so that they, together with man, may resume travelling along that third path that can take us back to the paradise of the origins, to the Third Paradise prophesied by Michelangelo Pistoletto". Luca Deias, 12/01/2022 Read more
The Third Paradise on the border between Turkey and Syria, when a symbol pacifies opposites Nicolò Marchetti, full professor in the Department of History and Cultures of the University of Bologna, has curated an installation of the Third Paradise in Karkemish, on the western bank of the river Euphrates. The 30-metre long work, whose construction was requested by Fatma Şahin (metropolitan mayor of Gaziantep), was designed by the archaeologist with the collaboration of Michelangelo Pistoletto. “Karkemish is an extraordinary place – said the artist from Biella – and the right one to host the Third Paradise, a symbol that pacifies opposites, heals differences, promotes new models of participation in life by resolving conflicts, activating responsible practices that pacify us and give us the right to belong to our planet guaranteeing equal dignity to all the species that inhabit it”. Luca Deias, 15/09/2021 Read more