The Art of Balance #41 | Alberto Guggino, what will you eat?
The Rebirth/Third Paradise ambassador is the 41st guest of the initiative “The Art of Balance/Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. In a video-interview, Alberto Guggino talks about the importance of choosing sustainable food, reflecting on its impact on health, economic and environmental levels: “Reducing injustices linked to food is the first step to restart and have a healthier society”.

What will you eat?
I will eat reducing the injustices in the redistribution of profits, which are not equitably shared: in the food supply chain the farmer is penalised compared to the big distribution. This is one of the causes of illegal employment and labour exploitation.
I will eat reducing injustices linked, for example, to the incentives offered by the European Economic Community, which penalise the producers of organic fruit and vegetables compared to traditional agriculture.
I will eat reducing the injustices, so that there’s good food for everybody, not only for a selected élite who can afford healthy food.

I will eat reducing environmental injustices: food is often produced damaging the environment, through processes mostly using products derived from oil, condemning future generations.
I will eat reducing injustices linked to the fact that most people are not aware of what eating healthy means. This lack of knowledge is another factor leading to health problems.
I will reduce waste, which negatively affects the environment, besides harming the poor (the food could be redistributed among the needy).
Reducing injustices linked to food is the first step to restart and have a healthier and better society.