How will you work?
I will work in a merging zone comprised between the circle of dehumanised digitalisation and the circle of digital humanism.
The world of my professional future cannot be other than a synthesis of these two concepts. The limitations of dehumanised digitalisation, certainly endowed with extreme technological capabilities, will be considered an aberration if it is not supported by a humanistic vision which reinstates the predominance of choice, of analysis and of the ability to synthesise.
I was not surprised when I read that the main global technological companies are integrating philosophers and scholars into their teams: it is a reaffirmation of the uniqueness of the human being, and of the brilliant and colourful creativity of the cultural-turned-genetic heritage.
It had to happen, not so much because of the dreaded and science-fictional notion of machines overtaking man, but because of the long-coveted birth of an area of synthesis, in which the union of two souls transforms into a new strength.
I will work right there in the middle, with the same enthusiasm of pioneers on their discovery journeys.
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