Pistoletto’s Mirror painting “Venere Maria – Nudo Color Seppia” at the Palazzo Pretorio Museum in Prato Carlo Palli, a collector from Prato, has donated the works "Venere Maria - Nudo color seppia" (Venus Maria – Sepia-coloured nude) by the Biellese artist and "Victoire de Samothrace" by Yves Klein to the Palazzo Pretorio Museum. “I am glad that my work can reflect the Palazzo Pretorio Museum in Prato together with all the visitors that walking past the painting will become part of it,” said Michelangelo Pistoletto. Redazione, 23/02/2021 Read more
When fashion becomes an example of excellence and sustainability, an interview with the co-founder of WRÅD Matteo Ward Face to face with the CEO of the startup which has become an international best practice: Matteo Ward talks about the role of communication in the process of raising social awareness on the theme of ethical fashion, highlighting the inspirational and collaborative relationship linking WRÅD to Cittadellarte and identifying the objectives his brand pursues in the field of global sustainability. “The fashion industry,” he said, “cannot be allowed to legitimately consume essential resources for life on Earth anymore”. Luca Deias, 18/02/2021 Read more
Cancer between research, hope and prevention: an interview with the president of the Edo and Elvo Tempia Foundation Viola Erdini Today is World Cancer Day, promoted by the Union for International Cancer Control and supported by the World Health Organization. To contribute to this celebration we looked into the subject of cancer in a conversation with the president of the Biellese foundation, in which we talk about the different types of cancer and touch on health, social and emotional aspects. Viola Erdini leads us into a world of research and solidarity, stressing the importance of prevention and reflecting on how to face the course of therapy on a psycho-physical level. Luca Deias, 04/02/2021 Read more
“Protect Cittadellarte”: a crowdfunding campaign set up following the flood Given the entity of the damage caused to its spaces by the overflowing of the river Cervo, Fondazione Pistoletto has started a campaign to raise funds on the Derev platform. The initiative has the objective of sustaining the costs of “phase 1” of the works necessary to prevent further collapses or structural damages at Cittadellarte. Here is how to contribute. Redazione, 09/10/2020 Read more
Architecture, sustainability and transports in times of Coronavirus: an interview with Carlo Ratti Emanuele Bottigella, manager of n.o.v.a.civitas, Fondazione Pistoletto’s Architecture Office, has interviewed Carlo Ratti, architect and engineer who directs the Senseable City Lab at Boston MIT and is one of the founding partners of the studio Carlo Ratti Associati (Turin and New York). Their discussion centres on the use of private and professional spaces in the post-COVID-19 future, with a focus on mobility and the importance of sustainable design to counter the onset of new health emergencies. "Pandemics are closely linked to urban history. Cities are by their nature congested and therefore fertile ground for the spread of viruses". Redazione, 10/09/2020 Read more
Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto reopens on Saturday 13th June 2020 #apertiaporteaperte: with this hastag, Fondazione Pistoletto announces the reopening in full safety of its exhibitions. After months of closure due to the health emergency, you’ll be able to access the spaces of the Biellese institution again, with Michelangelo Pistoletto’s works and the experiential visit of the Terme Culturali. Here are all the practical information on how to participate in a guided tour. Redazione, 09/06/2020 Read more
Pistoletto remembers Celant, Founder of arte povera and personal friend The Biellese artist has opened up to us on the subject in the course of a long interview recalling the many times in life when he found himself side by side with Celant, passed away on 29th April from the Coronavirus. It’s a journey through the memories of the founder of Cittadellarte, revealing the professional and personal relationship linking him to the curator from Genoa: “A concrete person in the way he operated, responsive and sensitive in his perception. For me. Germano gave art the Arte Povera movement”. Luca Deias, 01/05/2020 Read more
An interview with Michelangelo Pistoletto: “In this pandemic, the role of art is sensitivity” Here is what Pistoletto – talking to us from Biella’s hospital – thinks about Covid-19. The artist shares his personal experience and reflects on how the Coronavirus might trigger a social rebirth. What is the keystone of this process? The balance of the Third Paradise. Luca Deias, 16/04/2020 Read more