The project “Refectory” kicks off in Geneva, when gastronomy meets solidarity On 28 January, the MATER Foundation, chef Walter el Nagar, Food for Soul and chef Massimo Bottura presented the site of the Refectory, located at 120 rue de Lyon, in the Charmilles district. The ceremony was also attended by Giulia Pessina (Cittadellarte communication manager), Olga Pirazzi (Fashion B.E.S.T. manager), Clara Pogliani (Unidee Academy) and Francesco Saverio Teruzzi (coordinator of the Rebirth/Third Paradise ambassadors), who organised and curated the first meeting of the Geneva Demopractic Work and unveiled the work "I Tavoli del Terzo Paradiso". Cittadellarte's Fashion Office, with the collaboration of fashion designer Flavia La Rocca, designed and produced a series of sustainable uniforms to be worn by the cooks and waiting staff. BY Luca Deias IL 31/01/2022 Leggi di più
Third Paradise in Lapland, reindeer celebrate the Rebirth Day On 21 December, the Rebirth/Third Paradise embassy in the Finnish Arctic created and curated a living installation of the trinamic symbol in nature. The unusual protagonists of the work were the reindeer from a historic local farm: "The installation – said Rebirth ambassadresses Eija Tarkiainen and Anne Murto – is intended to evoke the forces of nature so that they, together with man, may resume travelling along that third path that can take us back to the paradise of the origins, to the Third Paradise prophesied by Michelangelo Pistoletto". BY Luca Deias IL 12/01/2022 Leggi di più
Antropòceneannàmo The conference "Places of culture as protagonists of urban regeneration", held on 16 November and organised as part of the 18th edition of "Urbanpromo", focused on investigating the urban and territorial role of cultural spaces. Speaking at the event at the MEET Digital Culture Center in Milan were Paolo Naldini, director of Cittadellarte, and Michele Cerruti But, academic coordinator of Accademia Unidee. Here is Naldini’s full speech. BY Paolo Naldini IL 22/11/2021 Leggi di più
The Third Paradise on the border between Turkey and Syria, when a symbol pacifies opposites Nicolò Marchetti, full professor in the Department of History and Cultures of the University of Bologna, has curated an installation of the Third Paradise in Karkemish, on the western bank of the river Euphrates. The 30-metre long work, whose construction was requested by Fatma Şahin (metropolitan mayor of Gaziantep), was designed by the archaeologist with the collaboration of Michelangelo Pistoletto. “Karkemish is an extraordinary place – said the artist from Biella – and the right one to host the Third Paradise, a symbol that pacifies opposites, heals differences, promotes new models of participation in life by resolving conflicts, activating responsible practices that pacify us and give us the right to belong to our planet guaranteeing equal dignity to all the species that inhabit it”. BY Luca Deias IL 15/09/2021 Leggi di più
When healthy food and solidarity grow together: the project “Orti del Biellese” continues to bloom News is coming in from the temporary association of purpose curating the initiative: from September, in addition to receiving weekly boxes of fruit and vegetables from local social gardens, you will be able to collect them directly from the plots producing them. Also, an open day is scheduled for 12th September with all the protagonists of the project. BY Redazione IL 03/09/2021 Leggi di più
Salone del Mobile 2021, Pistoletto and Sandoval’s “Mezzoterra Mezzomare” at Six Milano Galleria From 4th to 10th September, two installations created by the artist from Biella and Juan Sandoval will be exhibited at the gallery in Milan. The works, which highlight the message of dispersion and communication implicit in the sea as a crossroads of peoples, are part of the project "Mezzoterra Mezzomare Mediterranean Seas – Love Difference Chairs". BY Redazione IL 02/09/2021 Leggi di più
“STARTS4WATER”, when art offers solutions to address regional water challenges in Europe A call for artists has been launched which will offer the selected participants ten residencies in six different locations, kick-starting a series of collaborative processes that will generate projects raising awareness and providing concrete solutions to regional water challenges in Europe. Each residency addresses a different area-specific water management challenge and relates to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (specifically SDGs 6 and 14). BY Redazione IL 23/07/2021 Leggi di più
Water, art, open reflections on the future We are publishing a text by Franco Piunti on the theme of water proposed on the occasion of the first meeting of the project “EU STARTS4Water”, held at Cittadellarte. The doctor and former president of the Textile and Health Association talked about the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, analysing the relationship between work, environment and digitalisation, to then focus on the role of art and the so-called ethics of responsibility. BY Redazione IL 22/07/2021 Leggi di più