Your 5‰ to Cittadellarte, for a responsible change through art One eye on the dream and one eye on the project: support and contribute to Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto Onlus’s activities donating your 5‰. Here is how to do it. Redazione, 23/04/2019 Read more
Cittadellarte At Base – Design Week 2019 with the Installation Un-Learn / Re-Learn / Re-Act Future and learning at the centre of BASE’s Fuorisalone, in programme from 9th to 14th April in Milan. The event includes an active participation of Cittadellarte: in addition to the installation, its director Paolo Naldini will give a speech at the conference. Let’s find out all the details. Luca Deias, 28/03/2019 Read more
Pistoletto’s exhibition Padre e Figlio (Father and Son), in which Michelangelo mirrors his father Ettore Olivero, opens on 17th april Biella and Trivero play host to a scattered exhibition project curated by Alberto Fiz and spread across three venues: Palazzo Gromo Losa, Cittadellarte and Casa Zegna. The exhibition – running till 13th October – places in dialogue Michelangelo Pistoletto’s and his father Ettore Olivero Pistoletto’s works. Let’s find out all the details. Redazione, 19/03/2019 Read more
Michelangelo Pistoletto Michelangelo Pistoletto will receive Sarajevo’s honorary citizenship The mayor Abdulah Skaka and the city council of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s capital have decided to award the artist from Biella with this prestigious acknowledgement. Let’s find out all the details. Luca Deias, 14/03/2019 Read more
B.E.S.T. Green light for the project “Trashformation”, creativity and innovation to reflect on sustainability On 7th February, Fondazione Pistoletto embarked on a new project aiming at taking the concept of reuse and sustainability into the future. The initiative, curated by Cittadellarte in collaboration with Officina+39, involves international artists and fashion designers. Let’s find out all the details. Luca Deias, 18/02/2019 Read more
The mystery of the Saisiyat revealed Here is an article about the Saisiyat, one of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples, living in the cities of Hsinchu and Miaoli, on the western side of the island: let’s find out their traditions (with a focus on the rite of the pas-ta’ay) through the narration of I Chi Liu, a journalism student from Taiwan who has recently collaborated with Cittadellarte in the context of a cultural exchange. I Chi Liu, 18/02/2019 Read more
unidee ‘Cittadellarte & ArtEZ Residency Programme’, the video-story of the final open studio The open studio “Unfolding the Process” was held on Tuesday 12th February, and it was the conclusive phase of an artistic residency started at Cittadellarte five weeks before. Here is a video by Luca Gaddini showcasing the event, also through the words of the students themselves. Redazione, 15/02/2019 Read more
unidee ‘Cittadellarte & ArtEZ Residency Programme’, the voices of the students in residence – VIDEO We talked to the Dutch students from the Arnhem Academy on the occasion of the open studio “Unfolding the Process”, the conclusive phase of their artistic residency started at Cittadellarte five weeks before. Here are their video-interviews. Redazione, 13/02/2019 Read more