12/03/2021 The Art of Balance #96 | Alberto Fiz, how will you communicate? The art critic, exhibition curator and journalist is the 96th participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Alberto Fiz reflects on the impact of Covid-19 on communication processes (“By now, our lives have definitely become hybrid, and our days are rhythmed by emails, WhatsApp messages, Instagram posts, Skype and Zoom calls") and draws attention to the importance a simple encounter might have in the post-pandemic: “Meeting, seeing each other in person, hugging each other won’t be ordinary occurrences taken for granted anymore, they will acquire a more profound and authentic meaning”. IL 12/03/2021 Leggi di più
08/03/2021 The Art of Balance #95 | Enrico Rava, what dreams will you dream? The jazz musician is the 95th participant in the initiative The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy, launched by Cittadellarte. Enrico Rava answered the question posed by our project concisely, with an expressive synthesis that leaves room for different interpretations. IL 08/03/2021 Leggi di più
04/03/2021 “How to farm an organic garden”, you can now sign up for Let Eat Bi’s new course The 2021 programme of the Green Academy, a project by Cittadellarte’s Food Office, offers an online initiative dedicated to anybody wanting to further investigate or discover how to farm an organic garden. To talk to us about the contents of the four sessions, held in March and April, is agronomist Alice Bordignon, who will curate the course together with her colleague Enrico Regis. IL 04/03/2021 Leggi di più
01/03/2021 The Art of Balance #94 | Alessia Vegro, what language will you speak? The screenwriter and author is the 94th participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Alessia Vegro analyses the impact of the pandemic at social level, focusing on the evolution and role of language. “I think that a language speaking of creativity and rebirth is just around the corner,” she said, “as it always is after a major crisis. A synesthetic language that involves the whole body and communicates through posture, sounds, images, smells, textures and flavours”. IL 01/03/2021 Leggi di più
23/02/2021 Pistoletto’s Mirror painting “Venere Maria – Nudo Color Seppia” at the Palazzo Pretorio Museum in Prato Carlo Palli, a collector from Prato, has donated the works "Venere Maria - Nudo color seppia" (Venus Maria – Sepia-coloured nude) by the Biellese artist and "Victoire de Samothrace" by Yves Klein to the Palazzo Pretorio Museum. “I am glad that my work can reflect the Palazzo Pretorio Museum in Prato together with all the visitors that walking past the painting will become part of it,” said Michelangelo Pistoletto. IL 23/02/2021 Leggi di più
09/02/2021 The Art of Balance #93 | Nadia Centoni, what will you remember? The former volleyball player is the 93rd participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. In her video contribution, Nadia Centoni reveals the memories the lockdown has created for her and reflects on the role of sport activities in the pandemic: “In this period,” she said, “I have realised even more clearly how important sport is as a means of release, as a form of wellness and sociality”. IL 09/02/2021 Leggi di più
08/02/2021 The Art of Balance #92 | Antonio Pallotta, how will you communicate? The artist is the 92nd participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. In his video contribution, Antonio Pallotta reflects on how communication in his artistic life has changed since the advent of the pandemic, explaining the importance modern instruments have had in this process: “I hope that a responsible use of these means of communication through the propagation of contents of value and not only of pure entertainment can somehow enhance our experience as inhabitants of a system that we cannot actually control, no matter how big our efforts are”. Here is the video. IL 08/02/2021 Leggi di più
03/02/2021 The Art of Balance #91 | Giulia Roitero, what dreams will you dream? The student of Modern Literatures and fantasy and poetry writer is the 91st participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Giulia Roitero talks about the importance writing has had in her personal growth and in building her dreams. After a thought on her personal sphere, she offers a reflection at collective level: “With time,” she said, “I have learnt that dreaming dreams is good, but working to achieve them is even better. I wish for everybody to act in order to bring reality closer to their fantasies and ambitions”. IL 03/02/2021 Leggi di più