16/12/2020 The Art of Balance #84 | Fortunato D’Amico, what will you engage in? The curator and Cittadellarte’s collaborator is the 84th participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Fortunato D’Amico draws a parallel between Pistoletto’s sign-symbol and the biblical episode of Adam and Eve: “The responsibility to fill the void between the present and an imagined future belongs to the philosophical and scientific theories, as well as to the research on the sense of divine”. This episode’s guest details how he intends to contribute to building the time to come virtuously, that is adopting the principles of the trinamic symbol and the 17 goals stated in the UN’s 2030 Agenda. IL 16/12/2020 Leggi di più
10/12/2020 The Art of Balance #83 | Silvia Filippi and Bruno di Loreto, what decision will you take? The Rebirth/Third Paradise ambassadress and the communicator in the field of culture of ecophilosophy are the 83rd participants in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Their contribution starts by highlighting how the pandemic has emphasised the individualism and the loneliness of the contemporary man, to then focus on a pact Silvia has sealed with ‘mother nature’, i.e. “making an act of commitment with which to drive a cultural, social and economic re-evolution to carry out with creativity and imagination, colours and materials, for a future that re-establishes the broken connection between nature and us, according to a sense of circularity and reciprocity”. This episode’s guests then reflect on the impact Covid-19 has had on society and propose an articulated thought contemplating art and creativity, ecosystem and sustainability, culture and health. IL 10/12/2020 Leggi di più
09/12/2020 The Art of Balance #82 | Maria Bonmassar, what will you engage in? The journalist is the 82nd participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Maria Bonmassar outlines a series of contexts into which she will pour her energies, from life to “the freedom to be anything one wants”, from taking care of oneself and others to taking care of the planet. “In this horrible year,” she said, “the commitment is to fostering even more the freedom of thought, of sharing and enjoying the arts”. IL 09/12/2020 Leggi di più
07/12/2020 The Art of Balance #81 | Eva Poles, what will you think? The singer is the 81st participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Eva Poles reflects on the hidden side of calamities and, in relation to Covid-19, she explains how it is “reawakening the dormant senses, catalysing all the attention on itself and on something we often took for granted: our survival”. On this subject, the artist focuses on the interweaving of contrasting elements like fear, death, time and life. IL 07/12/2020 Leggi di più
04/12/2020 The Art of Balance #80 | Celeste Righi Ricco, what air will you breathe? The researcher in sustainable agriculture at the University of Milan and co-founder in charge of public relations for “Change For Planet” and “Pensare Globalmente Agire Localmente” (Thinking globally, acting locally) is the 80th participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Celeste Righi Ricco talks about the impact the lockdown has had on our daily lives: “We found ourselves unable to go out for days, weeks, months, and air therefore became our greatest desire”. This episode’s guest then discusses pollution: “If we reduce our non-sustainable mobility, we can produce a positive impact on the environment over a short period of time. The pandemic has taught us even better the responsibility we bear as individuals, and above all as communities, in curbing climate change”. IL 04/12/2020 Leggi di più
02/12/2020 The Art of Balance #79| Neil Powell, how will you communicate? The artist and curator is the 79th participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Neil Powell reflects on the role of technology in the present and in the future, emphasising that “try as we do for meaning and humanity through the medium of internet and OLED, there is little doubt in most minds that deep down we all really know that this is a sterile proxy for human interaction”. This episode’s guest then talks about the impact of the pandemic on modern society: “My earnest wish is that the firebreak of Covid will not denude us of this possibility, either by creating new phobias around intimacy or that we lose the vital part of our humanity, that is to read a person’s communication in a holistic way”. IL 02/12/2020 Leggi di più
01/12/2020 The Art of Balance #78 | Daniele Cipriani, what language will you speak? The dance, art and ballet producer is the 78th participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Daniele Cipriani reflects on the impact of the Coronavirus at global level, defining it “the first planetary ‘performative’ experience in the history of humanity that has ‘embraced’ the whole planet Earth”. This episode’s guest then talks about life post-Covid-19 and answers one of the key questions of the project: “My language will be made of facts rather than words, it will be the final action of a new way of thinking. Not surprisingly, my thinking and my speaking are at the service of art, a universal language, and in particular of dance, which is considered the oldest form of human language”. IL 01/12/2020 Leggi di più
30/11/2020 The Art of Balance #77 | Andrea Billi, how will you work? The professor of Economics at the Department of Juridical and Economic Studies of the Faculty of Law of the Sapienza University is the 77th participant in the initiative “The Art of Balance / Pandemopraxy”, launched by Cittadellarte. Andrea Billi reflects on the relationship between dehumanised digitalisation and digital humanism, explaining how he will try to synthesise these two concepts in his professional field. This episode’s guest then talks about the fact that some global technological companies are integrating philosophers and scholars into their teams: “It is a reaffirmation of the uniqueness of the human being,” he said, “and of the brilliant and colourful creativity of the cultural-turned-genetic heritage”. IL 30/11/2020 Leggi di più